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Your First Visit to Our Davenport Chiropractic Practice

You will be warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Help is on its way!

You will be warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. Help is on its way!

Welcome to Advance Care Chiropractic!

Every new patient is scheduled an half hour for the first visit.

Upon arrival you will be given some standard paperwork to fill out. This will be given to the doctor for review. Ladies will be asked to wear a gown and men to remove their shirts. This is to allow for the manual therapy (massage) and moist heat treatment to the back.

Chiropractic Consultation and Examination

The doctor will ask questions and examine you prior to, and during the manual therapy and heat. Typically an chiropractic adjustment can be given the same day.

Take a look to see what you can expect during your second visit.